HALLELUJAH: the YMCA, a War, a Song

[I wrote this note during the 13 hour flight from Dubai to Chicago during which I also watched a documentary: “Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, a Journey, a Song” which unexpectedly resonated with me. I wove some of it into my writing and reflections on being with some YMCA Holy Land leaders and being forced to flee due to war.]

What’s Wrong With Christianity in the YMCA?

…I could go on, my point being that Christianity is a critiqueable religion, it invites criticism, it requires self-critique, it ought to be critiqued. Obviously Christ Jesus could handle it without getting defensive or sullen…. So what’s a way forward for Christians in the YMCA who are sensitive to the realities of self-criticism but also yearn to follow Christ Jesus as faithfully as possible in this world?

Defining YMCA Christian Principles: What They Are Not?

In our brand mission statement it’s not only “Christian principles” as a phrase that is taken for granted, but also the part about “spirit” – it’s as if these are too hard to understand, too out of date, or too powerful.

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