Happy Easter & YMCA Ukraine

Today on this Easter Sunday, join me in praying for YMCA Ukraine, for their faithful and brave service to their neighbors as they strive to overcome evil with good.

Today April 24 is Easter Sunday for Orthodox Christians around the world – here in Fort Wayne and in Ukraine.

What’s it mean to celebrate Easter when your nation is being brutally terrorized and violently decimated by the machines of war from your next door neighbor?

When horrific deaths mar the landscape of blasted cities, where does the courage and hope come from, that faith, hope and love can endure?

Even just briefly reflecting on how my pleasant Protestant Easter Sunday went last week compared to my fellow Ukrainian Christian’s celebrating Easter today in Kiev or Mariupol… it is humbling, it is grief-full, it is maddening really that such evil exists and devours the innocent.

What can YMCA Christians do – we who are known as the resurrection people – in the face of such madness, darkness, and violence?

Our name – “little Christ’s” implies that we are marked as such because of our loyalty, imitation, and love of Jesus, in particular how he was present to the weak and vulnerable, the innocent and the guilty, those with power and those praying for deliverance.

The YMCA has within its history a record of brave women and men who responded to the call of Christ upon their life, to serve Him through the Y as peacemakers, as mentors, as friends, as advocates for the oppressed, as allied for justice.

If you haven’t done it yet, please donate to the YMCA work in Ukraine.

Donate Today!

If you are a Christian in the Y, consider the call that Jesus Christ is making on your life these days: what are you doing about evil in the world, what is your Y doing about despair and violence in the world, what is your Y doing about peace and truth and reconciliation in the world, what is your Y doing about war and oppression?

It’s easy to try and avoid conflict, to keep my head down, eyes averted…until trouble comes near and then we are unprepared in spirit, mind and body. It’s hard to keep caring about our neighbors and fellow YMCA’s around the world. It’s also hard to become cynical, jaded, and hard-hearted…

Today on this Easter Sunday, join me in praying for YMCA Ukraine, for their faithful and brave service to their neighbors as they strive to overcome evil with good.

Pray for the Christians of Ukraine, that as they celebrate Easter amidst rubble and refugees, amidst terror and tyrants, that the Risen One would strengthen their spirit, that their love would breathe new life into their nation.

And today, pray for your neighbors facing darkness in your own community- and be willing to say “yes” to the call Christ is making on you to be present to those in pain, to be ready to be the hands and heart of Jesus, for all who are walking in darkness yet yearn to see a great light.

The Art of Being with People You Lead

In the ongoing work of the YMCA, everything we do is for people, we are a busy action-oriented organization.

But in the grind of getting stuff done, we have to be more intentional and present to those we are doing the work with and for.

Every once in awhile I need to read through some aphorisms (short, pithy sayings that capture a truth in a memorable and insightful way).

Here’s some aphorisms that struck me as timely and relevant regarding leadership, being with people, the art of presence.

In my work with the YMCA, everything we do is for people, we are a busy action-oriented organization.

But in the grind of getting stuff done, we have to be more intentional and present to those we are doing the work with and for.

Love is action. Love is also patient and kind.

When we get drained from doing, being authentically present and genuinely attentive to those in our midst can fill up our tank, and theirs too.

There is an art to learning how to be with the people you lead: you are to be there for them more than they are there for you – it’s about them, not you as the leader.

These aphorisms on leadership, presence, kindness and faith have been with me for over fifteen years, and I share them with you now, some may be familiar, some new.


Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.


We should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemies as if he were one day to be our friend.

Cardinal Newman

People are not motivated by failure; they are motivated by achievement and recognition.

F.F. Fournies

You can impress people from a distance. You can impact people only from up close.

Will Richert

You get more of the behavior you reward. You don’t get what you hope for, ask for, wish for, or beg for. You get what you reward.

Michel Le Boeuf

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

George S. Patton

I will pay more for the ability to deal with people than any other ability under the sun.

John D. Rockefeller

I hold it more important to have the player’s confidence than their affection.

Vince Lombardi

Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.

John C. Maxwell

The art of dealing with people is the foremost secret of successful men. A man’s success in handling people is the very yardstick by which the outcome of his whole life’s work is measured.

Paul C. Packer

I’ll yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under the spirit of criticism.

Charles Schwab

There are no ordinary people.

You have never talked to an ordinary mortal….

It is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit – immortal horrors or everlasting splendors….

Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses.

C.S. Lewis
*all quotes above taken from Never Scratch a Tiger with a Short Stick by Gordon S. Jackson

And some more quotes that I hold on to…

It is so hard to believe because it is so hard to obey.

Soren Kierkegaard

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.

Blaise Pascal

For many of us, the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it.

John Ortberg

When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older I admire kind people.

Abraham J. Heschel

The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them; that’s the essence of inhumanity.

George Bernard Shaw

Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.

Scott Adams

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.

Bishop Desmond Tutu

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.

Abraham Lincoln

Mercy, detached from justice, grows unmerciful.

C.S. Lewis

Don’t Weary, Be Hoping

A devotion for all who are weary, who still strive to love, care and serve as the hands and heart of Jesus; and a message for our YMCA Childcare Services leaders who show up morning and afternoon to build character and a hoping spirit in our young school-age students.

First: thank you.

Thanks for your servant-leadership to our students and their families each morning and afternoon.

To all who invest in the spirit, mind and body of our school-age children and youth: thank you.

The following is a morning devotion written for our YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne Childcare Services Staff to start off their half-day training event.

May it be an encouragement for all who care for and serve children in our schools; even though it is a bleak winter and everyone feels stretched too far – don’t weary, be hoping.

This morning as I read through the Hebrew Scriptures and the prophet Isaiah (40:27:31) – and as I reflected on the challenging situations of our childcare leaders, Bobby McFerrin and his catchy tune got stuck in my head: Don’t Worry, Be Happy.

I wondered what it would be like to mash the two lyrics together: Don’t Weary, Be Hoping.

What do you think?

For me it grounded the chirpy sweet song in the promises of The LORD, the everlasting God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth – who sees you in your weariness, sees you caring for children, sees you striving to do good, and reminds us: the weary who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.

Now that the song is stuck in your head, and as you read slowly through the poetic promise of God, if you were going to be vulnerable for a moment: what’s been making you weary?

And what would it look like for you to trust the Lord with it, to turn the complaint into hopeful expectation?

As one who cares for children, even when you’re weary, the words of Jesus can be a comfort and inspiration, helping you transform that complaint into a hopeful expectation.

And in particular his perspective on the young ones in our midst (the ones who can make us weary and cause much complaining):

Jesus has a unique take on being with children: we ought to become more like them.

Taking Jesus’ instructions to heart, for you: in their best moments, what is it about the children in your care that you want to imitate more?

As leaders we can’t escape from the complaints people make about us, and we’ll always be tempted to complain about others; but: what would we tell kids in our care if they were complaining a little too much?

As leaders, our work is about influence and responsibility, sacrifice and perseverance; but it’s also about love, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness – and it’s this fruit of the Spirit that we can learn from the little children.

When you reflect on the love, joy and peace that Jesus brings to the little children in his care – and that can include you – how might that begin to transform the weariness you carry in your spirit, mind and body?

Thank you for loving, caring and serving the children and youth in your midst, thank you for your leadership and influence, your sacrifices and perseverance – especially in these wearisome times.

Thank you for being there for them, for showing up, for your humility and vulnerability, your listening ear and playful spirit; and may the Lord continually renew your strength, all you who remember: don’t weary, be hoping.

Apply today for YMCA Child Care Services before-after school: www.fwymca.org/jobs