Connecting and Building with People of the YMCA

How to Obtain a Membership to the YMCA

In the video above, our amazing staff member Dave gives us a step by step on how to obtain a membership to the YMCA!

Did you know that you are able to visit any YMCA in the country or out of the country when you obtain membership?

YMCA Membership Prices:

TypeDescription2022 Monthly Rate
Household2 Adults and their dependents$79.50
AdultAge 18+$51.00
1 Adult Household1 Adult and their dependents$63.00
SeniorAge 65+$49.00
Senior Household2 Adults age 65+ and their dependents$64.00
StudentFull-time student through age 25$25.00

Just as David referenced in the video above, we are able to accommodate families and singular individuals with payment plans, or as we refer to as applying for a scholarship. This scholarship is helpful for families that are referred to using the YMCA facilities or would like to attend, but are unable to pay their fees. In order to apply for one of these scholarships, ask someone at the front desk for more information or call your local YMCA!

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