The Ecclesia of the New Testament and the YMCA / by Emil Brunner

Professor Brunner is considered one of the greatest European Christian theologians in the early to mid 20th century. His enormous and brilliant influence on the YMCA is revealed in this essay he penned, inspired by his friendship with John R. Mott, to encourage and guide the Y in their faithfulness to Christ amidst a radically swift-changing post-war culture in Britain, Germany, and America.

The posted article below is an excerpt by Emil Brunner from Toward Our Second Century, a report of the plenary meeting of the World’s Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Organization at Geneva, Switzerland in July, 1953. Archived by the World Alliance YMCA

A theological advisor to the Y.M.C.A. in 1948.


“From its very beginning the YMCA has set great store by the fact that it is not a church.

It has rather exhorted its members to join a church. This conception and policy has stood the test and will remain the same in the future.

The ecumenical movement, however, and more especially the creation of the World Council of Churches, has required a re-thinking which, of course, has to start from and be based upon the New Testament.

If we read without prejudice what the New Testament says about Ecclesia, we see that this word signifies a reality which resembles the YMCA at least as much as today’s so-called churches.

The bodies which generally are recognized as “churches” are at least as different from the Ecclesia of the New Testament as the YMCA.

For Ecclesia is nothing else than a brotherhood of people bound together with Jesus Christ and with each other by the Holy Spirit and leading their daily life in such fellowship.

The Ecclesia is described to us as a common life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a common life in Faith, in Hope, and in Love, where what we are used to calling characteristic features of a church, “ecclesiastical” institutions, ecclesiastical offices, ecclesiastical actives do not play an essential role.

The following points deserve attention:

  1. There is no distinction between priests and laymen, but the whole community is “a priestly people”, everybody is expected to to act in a priestly manner.
  2. There is no sacrificial rite, but on the contrary: by the sacrifice of Christ all other sacrifices are done away forever, whereas everybody, each member of the community, is supposed to dedicate his or her life to God as an acceptable sacrifice.
  3. Each member of the community is called upon for service in the community. There is no difference between “active” and “passive” members, but, as each organ within a living organism exercises its function to the benefit of the whole, thus everybody within the Ecclesia is an organ fit for a function of which a “service” is expected and rendered. Non-active members have to be regarded as non-functioning dead organs and be cut off.
  4. There are certainly special Sunday meetings of the community for “worship”. But again, what matters most is that everybody contributes to the edification of the community, that nobody is passed over because some want to monopolize speaking.
  5. But these Sunday meetings of the community are not called Divine Service. On the contrary the daily life of the individual Christians, who dedicate their life to God as sacrifice, explicitly receive this title. Therefore, everyday life in the service of men in love is the genuine divine service.
  6. For this reason there is such a gulf, characteristic of our ecclesiastical life, between “Divine Service and Everyday Life”, between a “spiritual” and a “profane” realm outside. Everything is “spiritual” – even the most secular thing, if it is done united with Christ; then also eating and drinking then also trivial everyday work is “spiritual” if it is done “in Christ”.

If therefore the members of a YMCA by their faith are really united with Christ and the love which is flowing out of this faith unites them with the fellow members that they feel as brethren, and if these members regard their activities as service to Christ and to the brethren and sacrifice their lives in this service, they are Ecclesia as well as any church.

This insight is of utmost importance because it permits us to conceive our “secular” work, be it in sports groups, in professional evening classes, in manual work of the Boy’s Town in Indian slums, as spiritual work, as “church work in the meaning of the New Testament.”

Not the subject itself, Bible Study or sports, but the motive for the one as for the other: to serve Christ and to serve the brother, constitutes the difference between spiritual and non-spiritual; not the affiliation to a certain church makes our work Christian, but the belonging to Christ of each worker.

On the other hand, this insight makes us independent from the principle of “practical success.”

There are other organizations today, UNO, UNESCO, international emergency organizations or individual governments, doing the same as we do, seen from the outside, doing it even better than we can because of more money available to them.

Yet it is quite another thing, as it does not spring forth from the source of love of Christ and therefore is not realized in the same spirit.

Our social work does not have its value in itself, but as a demonstration of the love of Christ.

We are not a YMCA because of the model swimming pools available to everyone, but because we build and use a swimming pool to bring the love of Christ to young men.

The YMCA has little importance as an institution of welfare.

The YMCA either is a form of Ecclesia or it is nothing.

If it is not Ecclesia it is useless, amateurish duplicate of public welfare institutions.

Thus we arrive at this peculiar statement: the YMCA is inwardly Ecclesia, church in the meaning of the New Testament; outwardly it is a welfare institution for young people of all nations.

The fact that it unites this interior with this exterior makes its character and is the basis of its peculiar, incomparable activity.

There are, therefore, two dangerous deviations which may cause the YMCA to miss its destiny.

The first: that it loses its soul, that it ceases to be Ecclesia.

The second: that it loses its particular body, that it becomes a mere institution of one of the churches, a “church youth group” whose main purpose is Bible study.

The first one is wrong extraversion, the second a wrong intraversion.

In the first case, the YMCA ceases to be Christian; in the second case it ceases to be YMCA.

The centenary of the year 1955 must help each local and national YMCA all over the world to grasp this insight of the homogeneousness of body and soul and to win back the soul which the YMCA has lost in many places.

There is less danger for the exterior, for the “body” of the YMCA; for this exterior social service is evident to everybody and can be started rather easily.

The main danger is the first, the loss of the Christian soul, the character as Ecclesia.

The most important task of the Ecclesia in the New Testament is to make Christ known to all men.

Therefore the most important task of the YMCA is to win the youth of our time for Christ. Youth for Christ, Christ for Youth.

Whether this is done by swimming pools, evening classes, sports training or Bible and Prayer Meetings is not the main question.

What matters only is the aim that young people come into a living contact with Christ.

This, however, can only happen if the Bible is read, where it is preached; and where experiences are shared in a heartfelt, sincere, brotherly manner.

The soul of the YMCA cannot live without being nurtured and purified by the sources of faith.

We may imagine the ideal YMCA a society of young people looking very worldly, open to everybody, which is attractive by its activities for young people and renders service to them. But while it looks rather worldly from the outside, the leading men inside are eager to speak to the young people of Jesus Christ as soon as they ask: why are you doing that? why are you so kind to us? why are you interested in just me?

To proclaim the message of Jesus Christ with a few words in such moments, to explain what actually is a YMCA – that is the proper aim.

The YMCA is a proof that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is no “religion” but the love of men based upon the love of God.

Therefore it is possible to bear witness to Christ by simple exterior services.

Where there is real love towards men, there Christ is at work; where Christ really is at work, there is genuine love towards men.

The foundation of Ecclesia is God’s Love in Jesus Christ, received and accepted by human hearts.

There is no need for a creed, even the Paris Basis, a model of brevity.

Who loves Christ and is willing to obey Him belongs to it. Who does not love Him and does not obey Him does not belong to it.

The love of Christ is the sole criterion; the unquestionable manifestation of this love to Christ is love to the brethren, willingness to serve the brethren.

Therefore the “Christian Religion” is something so simple, something so ecclesiastical, something so laymen-like.

That is why the YMCA has such an extraordinarily good chance to serve Christ.

The churches have their particular values and services and the YMCA cannot do better than remain on a good relationship with them all.

They certainly have much to give to their members which the YMCA cannot provide.

But, it is able to give the most essential to young people if its soul, its hidden innermost, is the communion with Christ, which moves it to act and guides it, that is to say if it really is a kind of Ecclesia.”


Professor Brunner is considered one of the greatest European Christian theologians in the early to mid 20th century. His enormous and brilliant influence on the YMCA is revealed in this essay he penned, inspired by his friendship with John R. Mott, to encourage and guide the Y in their faithfulness to Christ amidst a radically swift-changing post-war culture in Britain, Germany, and America.

For a very brief overview of Emil Brunner’s life, Christian ministry and theological significance, read this overview by the Study Centre for Faith and Society.

For more about the brilliant and compelling writings of Emil Brunner, read this review by Roger Olsen.

For more in depth exploration of Dr. Brunner’s scholarship, read this paper by Alister McGrath.

For a fuller account of Emil Brunner’s writings and their helpfulness yet today, check out this book by Dr. McGrath.
Click here for the story behind this 1900 YMCA that met in a Skagway, Alaska Presbyterian church.

The Blessing – the Church,the City, the Y

A friend shared this song with me the night before Easter. Each time I’ve listened to it, I get teared up. It’s taken me by surprise, this rarely, if ever happens to me and music.

When I reflect on what I find so moving about this virtual church choir, there a few things that come to mind.

One, I love seeing city churches like this coming together to bless a city, especially when everyone is going through a hard time. Rev. Roger Reece of Associated Churches is the one who shared this song with me, and I appreciated his Easter greeting and gift, particularly since his work everyday is about knitting together churches to bless our city of Fort Wayne.

Two, it’s a really good song, performed by talented singers who are obviously moved by the music as well. A few of them captivate my attention, they seem so caught up in the message and moment, it really is inspiring. Makes me wish I could sing, or inspire like that, to encourage others and make this kind of connection with God for others.

Three, when I think of the mission of the YMCA, of the different leaders and Christians who are part of the Y, across the city, and when I listen to this song, it resonates deeply in me. The Y can be a powerful catalyst for connecting different kind of churches to be a blessing in their city. Yes, each church can be a blessing on their own. But how much more powerful when we do it together. This song points me to John 17:21.

Fourth, it reminds me of what I want my children and family to experience with the Lord. That God is for them, and with them, and he hears them and wants to bless them with his presence and calling, to pour his favor upon them, that they, that we might be a blessing to those he sends us to.

May the peace, favor and blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon you.




















Why the Walls Still Fall at the Jericho Y

Jerichoyentrance 2

Peter Nasir, General Secretary for the East Jerusalem YMCA hosted our OnPrinciple team at the Jericho YMCA Vocational Center and explained in stark terms why and how they live out God’s calling:

“We work with youth whose back is to a cliff.”

onprinciple jericho ymca leaders meeting (3)
Peter Nasir standing between four of his fellow Y leaders.

“If we don’t care for them, they are gone.”

There are still walls in and around Jericho. For too many youth and adult men, they are prison walls. Too many families are hemmed in by refugee walls. Border walls loom ominously, protected by barbed-wire walls and guard towers.

“We are in the business of selling hope; we keep kids out of prison. Youth choose violence out of revenge, despair and hate.”

Peter pointed out to us the unending anxiety that undergirds Palestinians regarding their displacement from their homes, villages, fields and land.

The YMCA in Jericho seeks to bring down the walls of despair that imprison Palestinian youth, subverting the foundations of injustice that support those walls with the gospel of Christ Jesus.

This gospel is embodied through a safe place with wise and loving mentors, practical training in vocational trades that can equip youth to care for their families and take responsibility for their own welfare, as well as forge friendships that support a new hope and justice.

“Palestinians want skills, not relief; we want your friendship.”

Peter Nasir sharing with Jared of Washington and John of North Carolina

As a minority people in the Holy Land, Palestinians face complicated and dire circumstances. Palestinian Christians are a smaller minority amongst their people, yet they play a crucial role amidst the violent conflict as peace-makers.

The YMCA is a place where Palestinian Muslims and Christians can come together to build up hope, skills, wisdom, and aspirations for justice using non-violent, constructive means.


The Y has a special, highly respected, much-needed role in Jericho. In 1948 when Palestinians were driven out of Jerusalem and other major communities, it included Palestinian Christian leaders and staff at the Jerusalem International YMCA.


They were thrust into dangerous, chaotic, desperate situations amongst their displaced people, whereupon they immediately began to put their Y mission into practice, organizing efforts to love, care and serve. Many Palestinians were sent to Jordan, thus going through Jericho, which is where Peter Nasir’s father concentrated his YMCA work.

It goes on today.

The experiences in Jericho with the Y caused me to reflect deeper about the youth in my own community who have their backs to a cliff. What is our Y doing for them? What can we learn from our fellow Palestinian YMCA leaders?

For me, I was struck by their clarity and resoluteness, how they grounded their Y work in the Christian mission, specifically for Peter it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was inspired by how they welcome and serve all the Christian and Muslim youth in their community that came to them.

What will be the motivation for our YMCA to come alongside youth with their backs to the wall?

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Mike Bussey, former CEO of Jerusalem International YMCA with Jericho YMCA youth

Youth are driven to the cliff’s edge by violence, anxiety, vengefulness, despair, hate. What will motivate us to meet them in the darkness? To stay with them as long as it takes?

Jericho YMCA youth in a computer information technology class

Where does the light come from that we are seeking to bring to their place on the cliff?

From whence comes our strength, perseverance, loving-kindness, wisdom?

For Christians who engage in this kind of youth work, it becomes clear how much we must draw upon the strong, uniting, merciful Spirit of Christ, who calls us to such work, equips us for it, and sustains us.

A 1,500 year old sycamore tree in Jericho.

Our visit with the Jericho YMCA ended with a devotion next to a sycamore tree, much like the one Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus. This sacred place reminds us that Jesus sees us where we are; he sees us when we come looking for him.

And like this tree-climbing sinner, when we are seen by Jesus, we too are sent with a mission to embody the good news. We are sent to make right what we have wronged, to be generous with our resources, and to add light where there is darkness.

As little Christ’s, when we see youth with their back to the cliff, may they see Christ in us and respond to the invitation to a life of hope, meaning, justice, and peace. And may the YMCA continue to be a space where new life takes root, for all.

Living Y sign in the Jericho facility


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