“Prayer, the Presence of Christ, and a Power to See: “The Morning Watch” by John R. Mott

The Morning Watch is Mott’s dynamic publication that reveals the practices of abiding in Christ at the start of every day, a personal discipline which transformed his life, fueled a fruitful ministry, and inspired thousands upon thousands of young global Christian leaders to answer the call of God to rise up and serve in the power of the Holy Spirit.

You are invited to read and take to heart the compelling implications of keeping The Morning Watch – a simple set of habits – a subversive set of habits – a sustainable set of habits for building a healthy spirit that makes available through you the transformational energy of God.

“The true object should be – and it is necessary to remind ourselves of this constantly – to meet God, to hear His voice, to receive guidance and strength from Him which will enable me to please Him today in thought, in word, in activity.”

What do you think you are doing when you pray? Who are you becoming when you pray? What happens when we pray? Does it matter?

John R. Mott is one of the most influential Christian leaders in the 20th century; yet now largely forgotten – by the YMCA and the Church.

John R. Mott

Prayer and attending to the presence of Christ Jesus were central to Mott’s powerful accomplishments for the Kingdom of God with the YMCA.

It’s my hope that many of us will look up again to this respected visionary as a model for high-integrity, high-influence spiritual leadership.

Enjoy this extended and practical invitation to pray by Mott, written to young Christian leaders to be alert, ready, able to do God’s will by the power of the Holy Spirit, that we might join in the unceasing work of Christ Jesus. Especially in and through the YMCA. Not just in the 1890s, but in these days too.

The high-capacity legendary accomplishments of Mott are attributed by him to the keeping of The Morning Watch.

First edition printed 1893 by The International Committee Young Men’s Christian Association

“The Morning Watch”

There is no more encouraging fact in the life of the Church at the present time than the increase in the number of Christians who observe the morning watch. This tendency is most marked among students in all parts of the world.

By the observance of the morning watch is commonly meant the spending of at least the first half hour of every day alone with God in personal devotional Bible study and prayer.

What are the advantages of keeping the morning watch?

Without dwelling at all upon the general helpful results which come form the devotional study of the Bible and from communion with God, it should be emphasized that at the very beginning of the day the soul is in its most receptive state.

The mind has been refreshed by the rest of the night, and is also much less occupied than it will be at any subsequent hour of the day. Moreover, the outer conditions in the early morning are most favorable.

The first hour is preeminently the still hour, the noises of yesterday have receded, and the din of the world of today has not yet broken in upon us.

It is easier to say, “My soul be thou silent unto God.” It is easier to heed the command, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Furthermore, by having secret prayer and Bible study for spiritual growth the very first thing, we make certain of them.

By assigning these important exercise to a later hour in the day, we multiply the chances of the being abridged, interrupted or crowded out entirely.

In this connection we should heeds the words of McCheyne: “I ought to spend the best hours of every day in communion with God. It is my noblest and most fruitful employment, and is no, therefore, to be thrust into any corner.”

The morning watch prepares us for the days conflict with the forces of evil with in us and around us.

We do not wait until the enemy is upon us before we gird on the armor and grasp the sword.

We fortify ourselves before any avenue is opened through which Satan might assail us; for example before reading the morning paper, before entering into conversation with others, before turning our own thought currents upon the plans and work of the day. It is always wise to gain a march upon the enemy.

The keeping of the morning watch is the credit of largest and most enduring achievement in life and in service.

Without doubt our failure to prevail with man and against evil in the world during the day is too often due to our more fundamental failure to prevail with God at the beginning of the day.

When Miss Havergal was asked to explain why the Church does not accomplish more, she attributed it to the fact the Christians are not spending the first hour of the day alone with God.

Let us never forget the vital truth expressed by Faber that “the supernatural value of our actions depends upon the degree of our union with God at the time we do them.”

Therefore, if our lives and words and acts throughout the busy day are to possess supernatural value, we must take the earliest opportunity in the day to establish a vital and complete union with God.

Why delay the forming of this union a single hour?

Why be satisfied with having man alone work a part of the day if the energy of God may be manifested all the hours of the day?

Notwithstanding the great importance of the morning watch, there are Christians who say that they do not have the time to devote a full half hour or more of every day to such a spiritual exercise.

It is a striking fact that the busiest Christians, both among laymen and among those who are devoting their lives to direct Christian work, constitute the class who pleads this excuse the least and who most generally observe the morning watch.

It may be questioned seriously whether there is any Christian who will not, after honestly and persistently following this plan for a month or two, become convinced that it is the best possible use of the time, and that it does not interfere with his regular work.

He will find the time that the morning watch promotes the wisest economy of his time.

It makes him more conscientious in the use of time. He learns to redeem it. It helps him to see things in true perspective.

He enters the day well poised, under the control of the Spirit, not distracted; and thus he works without friction, strain, uncertainty and waste.

This suggests an adequate and satisfying reason for the oft-mentioned custom of Luther, who, if he had a peculiarly busy or trying day before him, would double or treble the amount of time which he ordinarily spent in prayer.

To promote the most profitable observance of the morning watch, certain points should be borne in mind and incorporated into practice.

First of all, form an inflexible resolution to keep the morning watch.

It will prove most dangerous and disastrous to permit any exceptions. Special caution and foresight should be exercised, therefore, to guard against such possible exceptions.

Nothing but the unmistakable will of God should be permitted to prevent us form the beginning the day with conscious and unhurried communion with God.

Be sure to be thoroughly awake before entering upon the observance of the morning watch. If necessary, first take a brisk walk in the open air. Let us present unto God for this all-important exercise not only the body, but also the mind, as a living sacrifice.

Have some general plan to follow in this devotional hour.

Many persons begin with a few moments of prayer, follow this with a season of Bible study, then spend some time in meditation, and close with special prayer.

It is possible, however to be over methodical. Beware of formalism at such a time above all times. It is also wise not to attempt to crowd too much into this hour.

Make sure at the very outset of the devotional hour each morning that you are right with God.

If there be any unconfessed sin, wrong motive, or spirit contrary to Christ, it must be made right before we can receive what God has in store for us for the day.

Sin is a terrible thing. It completely insulates us from God. It is vain, then, to expect real spiritual help from Bible study and prayer unless we are willing to give up any known sin.

Happy is the man who closes each day in fellowship with God, and who is able to say with David, “When I awake I am still with Thee.”

Recollect morning by morning the real object of the morning watch. What is it?

It is not simply to enable me to say that I have observed it. It is not to satisfy conscience by observing it because I had formed a resolution to do so. It is not to enable me to prepare Bible studies and spiritual meditations with which to help others.

The true object should be – and it is necessary to remind ourselves of this constantly – to meet God, to hear His voice, to receive guidance and strength from Him which will enable me to please Him today in thought, in word, in activity.

Select and arrange in advance the portions of the Scripture upon which to meditate at the time of the morning watch.

We should keep as much purely mechanical work as possible out of the devotional hour.

The portions selected should be taken from the more devotional and practical parts of the Bible.

They should be brief.

They should, so far as possible, be complete in themselves; and yet often it will be desirable to have portions which, though each is complete in itself, will be related to some common theme.

The follwing examples are meant to be suggestive:

  • the best thirty or sixty Psalms; thirty or more biographical portions; selected Epistles, especially some of the shorter ones; thirty of the exceeding great promises of the Bible; thirty portions bearing on each of such topics as prayer, faith, the Holy Spirit, temptation, our conversation; thirty commands of Christ; thirty or sixty portions of the Gospels bearing on the character of Christ as our example.
  • If a person will take a few hours on three or four Sabbaths during the year, he will be able to outline subject enough for use throughout the entire year.
  • He will then come to his Bible each morning with something definite. It will prevent drifting around and loss of time. It will also promote a more symmetrical spiritual development.
  • The pamphlet “Bible Study for Spiritual Growth” gives many suggestions as to the manner and spirit in which the Bible should be studied for the greatest devotional profit.

Give prayer a large place in the morning watch.

There needs to be prayer not only at the beginning and close of the hour, but the Bible study, meditation, and self-examination also should be conducted in the spirit of prayer.

As this aspect of the subject is treated so fully in teh pamphlet “The Secret Prayer Life” it is not enlarged upon here.

Only by filling the quiet hour with prayer can we keep out formalism and make the morning watch a great reality and force in our lives.

Remember that the hour of the morning watch is the still hour.

After praying and during Bible study it is well to pause and listen to what the Lord shall say.

Too often we fill up the devotional hour with our own thoughts and prayers and leave no still place for listening.

Our actual attitude might often be characterized better by the words, “Hear, Lord, for Thy servant speaketh,” than by the words, “Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth.”

It is difficult to obey the command “Be still and know and know that I am God.” After we shut out the voices of the world’s turmoil, after we banish the suggestions of the tempter, after we cease to listen to the thoughts about the morrow, after we silence the sound of our own cares, questions, and prayers, then we hear that still, small voice which His true followers always know.

His voice is not like that of the fire, or strong wind, or earthquake, but is like unto “a sound of gentle stillness.”

Do we wonder that Paul exhorted us to study or to be ambitious to be quiet? He knew that it would require study and resolution to learn this great secret.

Who keeps the morning watch?

At once we think of some of the men of Bible times: Moses, who knew God face to face, and to whom in the early morning hours God revealed the Law: Isaiah, whom God wakened morning by morning to hear as a true disciple; Jeremiah, to whom God’s mercies and compassion’s were new every morning; and David, who declared, “In the morning will I order my prayer unto Thee, and will keep watch,” who reiterated, “I myself will awake right early” and “will give thanks,” and who learned from experience that “it is a good thing to show forth Thy loving kindness in the morning.”

The example of Jesus Christ is most impressive.

We are told that “in the morning, a great while before day, He arose up and went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.”

Tradition teaches that the observance of the morning watch was widely prevalent among the early Christians. Rev. Web-Peploe has said that “All the great saints have been early risers”; and he might have added that they rose early primarily to begin the day with unhurried communion with God.

There come to mind such men as Rutherford, McCheyne and Andrew Bonar, Wesley and Whitefield, David Brainerd and Henry Martyn, George Mueller and Hudson Taylor. It is said of Joseph Alleine, that wonderful preacher of the seventeenth century, that he devoted the time between four and eight o’clock every morning to prayer and Bible study, and that if he heard a blacksmith at his work before he himself began his morning watch, he would exclaim, “How this noise shames me! Doth not my master deserve more than theirs?”

On our recent journey around the world we were deeply impressed by the large number of young men and women who entered into covenant to keep the morning watch.

All the men and women who have gone out from the universities of America and Britain to lead the Christian movements among the students of India faithfully observe this watch. In Ceylon we were impressed, not so much by the beautiful and luxuriant tropical vegetation, nor by the heathen shrines and temples, as by the sigh which greeted our eyes very early one morning of Tamil students walking under the palms with open Bibles in their hands, and their lips moving in silent prayer.

We visited one college in the Levant where, according to the last report, over two hundred boys and young men keep the morning watch. We know of no college in Christian lands of which this could be said. There are ten great student movements in the World’s Student Christian Federation, but that of China is the only one of them of which we could say last year that practically all of its active members began the day with Bible study and prayer. It was visiting a college, not in America or England, or Scandinavia, but in Japan, that we were wakened over an hour before daybreak, and taken through the city, across the valley, and to the crest of the famous Flowery Hill, to meet with the members of the Christian Association of that institution for special prayer, as was their custom.

The practical question for each one of us is, Why should not I keep the morning watch?

Next to receiving Christ as Saviour, and claiming the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we know of no act attended with larger good to ourselves or to others than the formation of an undiscourageable resolution to keep the morning watch.

Is there anything which an stand before the bar of my own reason or conscience that should be allowed to keep me from forming this life-expanding resolution?

Is there any excuse or reason acceptable to God which I can plead why I would not devote at least the first half hour of every day to secret prayer and devotional Bible study?

What would keep me from it? God? Certainly not.

Is it not far more likely self, with its love of ease and its shrinking from the formation of a difficult habit; or Satan, who, if he cannot keep us from studying the Bible and from prayer altogether, is anxious to have us place them as late in the day as possible, because the only things which have ever defeated him have been prayer and the Word of God?

Am I willing to pay what it costs to form this important habit? What will it cost?

Readjusting habits of sleep, which means earlier rising and, it may be, earlier retiring; economizing of time; more than one failure possibly, repeated and persistent efforts; increasing vigilance and real watching unto prayer.

Am I willing to pay the price in order to form this habit, which has so much to do with triumphant life and fruitful service?

If so, when shall I form the resolution?

And how shall a resolution be formed which shall stand?

“It is God that energizeth you, both to will and then to work for His good pleasure.”

For more about Mott, read this inspiring and informative biography by Hopkins

A Prayer for YMCA Leaders : when we feel lost, in error and without life

In those moments, when as a YMCA leader you feel overwhelmed, adrift, lost in your spirit, alone in your anxiety, yearning to have the lifelessness of your Y transformed into vibrant energy – this prayer of Kierkegaard is for you.

“Father in heaven, let your voice come to me, be heard by me, even though it overtake me where I live secluded and alone.

You, my Lord Jesus Christ, you who came into the world to save those who were lost, look for me even in my errors where I hide myself from you and from others; let me hear your voice, let me know and follow it.

You, O Holy Spirit, breathe for me in inexpressible sighs, bring life to me though I am a barren tree.

You who bears again to life those who are already dead, you who gives youth to the aged, create in me a new heart.

You who with motherly care protects everything in which there is a spark of life, send forth the growth that you would have for me.”

based on/adapted from “The Prayers of Kierkegaard,” no 47 by Ole Anthony

Using our YMCA Core Values to stir up our spirit and mind, to rattle us and convict us, to encourage and guide us, authenticity is more about responsible honesty than unencumbered identity-declarations, about caring for ourself and others in a mutually respectful way.

Our authenticity ought to stimulate not just boundaries on who we think we are, but humility about who we really are, which includes the darkness alongside the light, the good and evil intertwined within us, the beautiful and ugly that is us.

In the YMCA our leadership is often defined by our character, our programs are successful when stories emerge of how the character-building emphasis worked; as my friend Dave at the Parkview Family YMCA quips: “transformed people transform people.”

Spiritual authenticity is more than just declaring what you believe about spirituality and expecting respect for it, it’s actually being honest and responsible for your own spirit, it’s health, and how it is doing in reality, in real life.

It’s about taking responsibility for the health of your spirit and doing the work so that it grows in its capacity to care for all in a mutually respectful way.

Authentic spirituality which doesn’t expand in its capacity to love is just a clanging gong or clashing symbols out of tune with reality.

At the YMCA, when we are authentic about our origins, about our motivations for why we got started, about the foundation we build on, about the roots which nourish our growth, it also requires honesty about the failures and hurts that have come through the YMCA. not just institutionally, but personally – the Y is all about people and building a healthy spirit, mind and body for all using Christian principles in practical ways. And for all the times we get it right, someone can point to ways we didn’t.

In those moments, when as a YMCA leader you feel authentically overwhelmed, adrift, lost in your spirit, alone in your anxiety, yearning to have the lifelessness of your Y transformed into vibrant energy – this prayer of Kierkegaard is for you.

He was writing in Denmark around the time George Williams was launching the Y.M.C.A. in England, and though his writings weren’t that popular when the Paris Basis was being crafted, Kierkegaard was “discovered” after the horrific tumult of the Great War, which was a shining moment for the Y, but also a dying of the world’s hope for peace in the world.

The Holocaust, the Atomic Bomb, the Cold War, global terrorism, genocides – this reality of YMCA members around the world ought to still way heavy on all Y members – in solidarity – and in accord with the prayer of Jesus in John 17:21 “that they all may be one.”

This means not just in our salvation and reconciliation but also in our empathy and practical actions of love.

And in that suffering is when we too often (if we quit avoiding this stark and disturbing reality) feel lost, in error, and without life. This is why the writings of Kierkegaard and his prayers continue to be sought out, for he seeks to get at the real, our actual lived existence, us, me, I – known and loved by God.

Maybe everything is fine for you in your life and family, your YMCA branch members and staff; but if we were going to be authentic, it’s not all we hope and pray for…yet; in the meantime keep honestly praying to the Lord, in humility and openness, like this prayer of Kierkegaard:

“Father in heaven, let your voice come to me, be heard by me, even though it overtake me where I live secluded and alone.

You, my Lord Jesus Christ, you who came into the world to save those who were lost, look for me even in my errors where I hide myself from you and from others; let me hear your voice, let me know and follow it.

You, O Holy Spirit, breathe for me in inexpressible sighs, bring life to me though I am a barren tree.

You who bears again to life those who are already dead, you who gives youth to the aged, create in me a new heart.

You who with motherly care protects everything in which there is a spark of life, send forth the growth that you would have for me.”

based on/adapted from “The Prayers of Kierkegaard,” no 47 by Ole Anthony

May the Grace and Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Day Two :: Beauty is Healing and Restoration/ World YMCA Week of Prayer 2021

For over a 100 years the World YMCA has been calling its members and leaders to a week of prayer, along side the World YWCA, and this year the theme is: Beauty from Brokenness

“Although we may be easily broken, the light of Christ within us can heal brokenness and burst through, reaching out to those around us.”

Join us for a week of prayer in your heart at noon each day this week!

When we approach God with our brokenness, God offers rest, restoration and healing.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Christ Jesus, Gospel according to Matthew, 11:28-30

“The world has been shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic, in one way or another.

Many of us have been exposed to a situation that has likely left us with some degree of trauma and brokenness.

Many of us have lost either parents, friends, co-workers, siblings, or at least we know someone that has lost someone.

Some of us have been sick, most of us have been locked-in at home, and many have even lost their jobs and businesses.

Many women, young girls and children have suffered abuse. Isolation has affected the mental health of many.

Our relationships with our loved ones may have been broken by the lockdown situation.

The pandemic has prevented us from gathering with family and friends.

Strict lock- down restrictions have prevented many from going to our places of worship.

We have been broken financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

No form of brokenness is worse than another.

God wants to restore, heal and carry our troubles. Jesus comforts us….”


When facing different problems, who is the first person you go to, to seek a solution?

Now that you learned that God is omnipresent and seeks to help you, how does it impact your relationship with God ?

Are you currently struggling with something where you feel broken? (You may wish to share this with God in prayer).

Do you have any stories that you can share of God healing your brokenness or that of others?


“Lord Jesus, we want to thank you because you are amazing and merciful.

We thank you because of everything you have done and spoke.

Thanks for the invitation you give us in Matthew 11:28-30.

You came revealing the kingdom of God and have offered us salvation from sin and its consequences.

Please God, give us the courage to admit our brokenness and acknowledge our wounds, and give us a spirit of discernment to identify the things that don’t heal on their own.

We need you God to heal our hearts and bind up our wounds.

We pray for the future, for ourselves, and for communities to get back together.

We know that you are always there, willing to heal and carry our troubles.

Thank you for the peace and rest you offer to us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Please share any thoughts, insights or recorded actions that come as a result of today’s devotions on social media using the hashtag: #WWOP21
Team: Mialy Sombiniaina, Madagascar; Rakotondrasoa, Madagascar; Martina Huber, Switzerland; Zinta Akpoko, Nigeria; Santiago Duarte, Colombia.

If you are on Instagram, I highly recommend you follow @ymcairelandchaplaincy – they post inspiring content and are participating in the World Week of Prayer with daily posts and videos.

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